A public-private partnership enabled the University of Connecticut to create a college town center at their middle of nowhere campus.
Business Development
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Collegeville Revitalization Notebook, April 2021
Accommodating businesses old and new. tooting our quality of life horn, Main Street greenways and visualizing the plan.
U-Imagine Research Provides Development Framework
U-Imagine research provides development framework, Montco Planning presents ESRI data, and Development by Design.
Collegeville Revitalization Notebook, December 2020
Collegeville hires new Borough Manager, BDC explores Main Street art and planning design standards, Community Park trees.
Principles for Planning Collegeville’s Main Street
Derck & Edson Director of Planning, Mark Evans, outlines planning principles as they relate to Collegeville’s revitalization efforts.
Collegeville Welcomes New Borough Manager
Collegeville Borough hires experienced municipal government manager as new Borough Manager.