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Around Collegeville
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Statement and Q’s and A’s on the Perkiomen Bridge Hotel
A statement from Borough of College officials along with answers to common questions about the Perkiomen Bridge Hotel situation.
Collegeville Borough Receives Award for Creekside Park Partnership
Watershed Conservancy honors Collegeville Borough for Welakamike Creekside Park and boat ramp partnership.
Collegeville’s Welakamike Creekside Park Dedicated
Dignitaries gathered for the Dedication and Naming Ceremony for Collegeville Borough’s new Welakamike Creekside Park.
All-inclusive Playground at UPT Park
Upper Providence Township opened an all-inclusive playground designed for children, teens, and adults of all abilities at Black Rock Park.
Al-Anon Meetings Provide Support in Collegeville
For over 20 years, Alcoholics Anonymous—Al-Anon—has been meeting at Trinity UCC Church in the Borough of Collegeville.