The idea of providing Street Pianos for use by communities began in the UK in 2008. Since then thousands of Street Pianos have been donated and installed in cities and towns around the world to encourage residents to engage and interact with their communities Many of the pianos are decorated by local artists, and the program provides access to this wonderful musical instrument to all and allows musicians the opportunity to share their creativity by performing in public.
This summer, the non-profit Collegeville Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) spearheaded a Street Piano project for Collegeville. A spinet piano was donated by Doug and Mary Cook, and Whitby Jewelers offered to be the sponsor of the project. The Whitby’s talented daughter Olivia transformed the Cook’s piano into a beautiful work of art named “Bridging Dreams.”
Please join us for the unveiling of Collegeville’s first Street Piano at 11am on Saturday, Oct. 19th at the trail parking lot at E. Third and Main Street, Collegeville, across from the Collegeville Diner. Talented musicians from the Community Music School of Trappe will inaugurate the piano by playing its first songs.
Following the brief ceremony, area residents are invited to play the piano as often as they like.
“Bridging Dreams” is the first of five pianos to be painted by artists and installed around Collegeville. To come will be two pianos on the Ursinus campus, one in Collegeville Park, and another in the Collegeville Shopping Center. Local artists who would like to showcase their work by painting the pianos are invited to contact us at 610-409-0370 or [email protected].