Collegeville’s Main Street Preferences Survey
Photo: Preliminary rendering by Derck & Edson for Collegeville Borough’s Main Street planning.
Collegeville Borough conducted a survey of Borough and area residents and Ursinus College faculty, staff, and students from February through April, 2024. The purpose of the survey was to understand residents’ preferences concerning all aspects of enhancing the Main Street business district. The findings will be used to update the Borough’s zoning and develop a Main Street plan.
About the Preferences Survey
In all, 433 individuals completed the survey. The survey and planning study focus on the Borough’s Main Street business district from 2nd to 5th Avenues.
Specifically, questions were asked to determine Collegeville residents’:
- Preferences for equal zoning for both sides of Main Street as advocated by the Borough’s new “Main Street District (MSD) zoning;
- Preferences concerning the amount of change residents found acceptable;
- Preferences for building density and potential additions to the fronts, sides, and backs of Main Street buildings;
- Preferences for new buildings to “fit in” architecturally with the existing buildings;
- Preferences for “the look” and safety of Main Street; and
- Concern for the preservation of old buildings vs. allowing for new construction which is cheaper to build;
(Please note that there are NO plans to tear down any of Main Street historically significant buildings);
This new zoning has been recommended for approval by the Borough’s Planning Commission but has not yet been adopted by Borough Council. So it can still be revised, if needed.
Survey Questions and Answers

View a PowerPoint presentation of the survey results or read the Q and A below.
Q1 – Q4. Demographics of the Survey Responders
The first four survey questions concerned demographics. The survey was taken by 5% of the Ursinus College students and by 19% of the College’s faculty and staff. The survey was taken by 218 or 4% of Collegeville Borough residents, and by an additional 214 nearby residents who live outside the borough. Out of this group, 54% or 115 either work at Ursinus or were students there, lived on Main Street, or worked at or owned a Collegeville business. Their responses give us a good insight into borough and area resident perspectives.
Q5. Do you support the idea of expanding Collegeville’s Business District Along Both Sides of Main Street between 5th Ave. and 4th Ave.?
92% of respondents support or strongly support expanding the business district on the 400 block of Main Street. The north (Borough Hall) side of the street is currently zoned Residential-Office. The south (Marzella’s) side of the street—along with the 100 through 300 blocks—is currently zoned Main Street Commercial (MSC), which also allows for some residential and offices. Under the new zoning, both sides of the street on the 400 block will be zoned as the Main Street District (MSD), permitting restaurants and retail on the “Borough Hall” side of the street.
Q6. How important is it to allow one- or two-story additions to existing buildings for new businesses along Main Street?
68% of respondents view it as important or highly important to allow one and two-story additions to buildings on Main Street in order to attract development. (The Borough’s new Main Street District zoning allows for Main Street buildings to be up to 42 feet high.)
Q7: To permit new businesses that will enhance Collegeville’s Main Street, how desirable is it to allow for the demolition of buildings not designated as historically significant, as long as new buildings are in keeping with the character of the neighborhood?
75% of respondents view necessary demolition and new buildings in keeping with the character of Main Street as desirable or highly desirable. Keeping the “character of Main Street” means preserving Collegeville’s current quaint look and village feel. The borough’s proposed Main Street District (MSD) Zoning is clear that any renovations or new buildings must preserve the look and feel of our late 19th and early 20th century Main Street, and “fit in” with nearby buildings. Also, any site improvements, access and parking, landscaping and lighting, land uses, and architectural treatments all need to fit in well, enhance their surroundings, and create a uniform attractive streetscape.
Q8: Most of the existing buildings along Main Street currently have pitched roofs. Should architectural design standards for additions and new buildings along Main Street permit flat roofs, in addition to pitched roofs?
Most respondents did not feel that roofs should be highly regulated. However, the Borough’s Main Street District zoning does specify that: (a) Where gable roofs are utilized they shall have a minimum slope of 4:12 and a maximum slope of 12:12; and (b) Roofs in keeping with the character of adjacent buildings are recommended.
Q9: How important is it that standards be set for commercial property owners to add low walls, ornamental fences, courtyards, plazas, seating area, landscaping, and lighting to the front yards of Collegeville’s Main Street?
81% of respondents support the need for front yard design standards for commercial properties on Main Street. Both the new zoning and the Main Street plan will emphasize the importance of design standards to create an attractive, safe, and functional streetscape.
Q10: To provide the necessary incentives for renovation of single-family homes into commercial uses or upper floor apartment uses along Collegeville’s Main Street, it may be necessary to allow buildings to expand into the rear yard, side yard or front yard. Which of the proposed additions. . . would be desirable for buildings facing Main Street in Collegeville?
There is broad support for side and rear yard additions and more limited support for front yard additions to buildings on Main Street. These additions are allowed in the borough’s new zoning.
Q11: How important is it for Collegeville Borough’s zoning standards to allow for one- to three-story additions on existing buildings along Main Street to make it economically viable to renovate these buildings?
78% of respondents believe that allowing additions of one to three story are either important or highly important. These additions are allowed by the Borough’s new zoning.
Q12: To make it economically viable for property owners to renovate their buildings, how important is it to allow four story buildings within the rear yards of Main Street properties?
37% of respondents feel that allowing for four story buildings are either important or highly important, while 28% feel this is unimportant or highly unimportant. The height of buildings under the new Main Street district zoning is capped at 42 feet.
Q13: Which revitalization options seem most appropriate for the future of Collegeville’s Main Street?
61% of respondents felt that upgrades to streetscapes, renovations to existing buildings, building additions, and encouraging new buildings is the most appropriate option for the revitalization of Main Street.
Q14: Why did you choose these options?
Answers ranged from “Collegeville should remain a small quiet town,” “Would make for a more attractive, convenient, walkable town,” “Traffic and parking are already awful along Main Street,” to “Restaurants and shops should be able to have options as long as architecture reflects current designs,” and “The more enticing our Main Street is, the more desirable it will be to visitors.”
View the actual Question 14 survey responses.
Q15 What are the names of, or types of restaurants or businesses you would like to see expanded onto Collegeville’s Main Street?
View the actual Question 15 survey responses.
Q.16: What types of entertainment or arts venues would you like to see expanded onto Collegeville’s Main Street?
View the actual Question 16 survey responses.
Q.17 What are the three most important improvements that should be made to enhance Collegeville’s Main Street?
The top improvements were:
- Better selection of stores – 210 responses;
- More outdoor dining and outdoor event spaces – 207 responses;
- Improved sidewalks, crosswalks and lighting – 152 responses; and
- More on-street and off-street parking – 130 responses.
Q18: What types of improvements would you most like to see along Main Street Collegeville to become a more vibrant business district?
These survey results, along with the respondents’ extensive comments and ideas for businesses, entertainment, and Main Street improvements, provide the Borough and Ursinus College with excellent information for moving forward with the development of Collegeville’s Main Street.
All the survey responses will be reviewed against the proposed Main Street District (MSD) zoning, and the findings will also be incorporated into a final plan for Collegeville’s Main Street. It is hoped that the plan will be completed and made available for the Main Street Steering Committee, Borough Planning Commission, Borough Council, and residents to review in July.
Survey Development and Presentation
The survey was led by Derck & Edson, the Borough’s planning consultant, with input from the Montgomery County Planning Commission, the Main Street Committee, and the Borough Council. Additionally, Ursinus College acted as the borough’s partner on the project. The funding for Derck & Edson’s work on Collegeville’s Main Street plan is being paid for through a $74,000 PA DCED Local Share Account grant.
Created in January 2018, the Borough of Collegeville Business Development Committee oversees economic development and business recruitment in the borough. It is made up of volunteers from the borough and administered by a Borough Council member.
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