For over 20 years, Alcoholics Anonymous—Al-Anon—has been meeting at Trinity UCC Church in the Borough of Collegeville.
- Where: Trinity UCC Church, 532 E. Main St., Collegeville (map it).
Meetings are held in the church’s lower level; at the side of the church, walk down the steps, enter the basement, and turn left. - When: Every Friday night at 8 pm.
Al-Anon is a mutual support group that helps individuals interacting with someone with a drinking problem. The meetings provide a safe space to ask questions about the overuse of alcohol, talk about individual situations, or just listen. Most importantly, those participating have the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others who face similar problems and also learn the importance of self-care.
All meetings are totally anonymous; no names or contact information is ever taken. Anyone can stop by at any meeting.
For more information about Al-Anon, visit the Al-Anon Family Groups website.
For more information about the Collegeville meetings, contact Carol Ammarell at 610-742-7089.